Please fast and pray every Thursday for the renewal of the Catholic Church in America. Please note: The Cybersociety will fast on Fridays beginning January 2013, in accordance with ancient custom.

This is not a photoblog; this is not a Catholic trivia blog. The story of our origins.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Second Thursday

Glorious spring day out. A perfect day. You could never create anything as beautiful as spring.  Had you never experienced it, could you even imagine it?

The Church has many enemies, but always cultivate peace in your heart, like St. Francis of Assisi. It's all in God's hands, ultimately.  Just pray, and keep your fast. You are no more in charge of this undertaking than you are of spring.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Diary Entry

Ate a regular breakfast, then just had a spring mix salad and a banana for lunch. Then, inspired by the example of my pastor, I founded the Cross of San Damiano Cybersociety. The Cross of San Damiano Cybersociety is dedicated to rebuilding the Catholic Church in America. Members promise to fast and/or abstain every Thursday in accordance with their health and circumstances, and to pray for renewal. In our parish, only 26% of registered parishioners attend Sunday Mass regularly. From what I've read, this is about the national average. Membership is open. Become a follower. There are no dues, just the duty of a Thursday fast.

Fill the pews again.