Saturday, January 5, is the feast day of St. John Neumann, the fourth
bishop of Philadelphia. Oddly enough, when he was made Venerable, there
was some concern that his virtue was not "heroic." Pope Benedict XV had
this to say in reply: "...the most simple of works, if carried out
with constant perfection in the midst of inevitable difficulties, can
bring every servant of God to the attainment of a heroic degree of
virtue....Wonderful results can come from simple deeds when they are
graced with perfection and carried out with unremitting constancy." Fr.
Alfred C. Rush, C.Ss.R., adds "Neumann advanced on the way of Christian
holiness from day to day and from virtue to virtue."
became a hero for us, for the Catholics of America. He established
parish schools and churches. He fostered the wide practice of Forty
Hours' Devotion and Eucharistic Adoration. He stood firm in the face of
bigotry and violence. In the statue above, he holds the first Baltimore
Catechism, which he wrote, enabling all to understand and live the
St. John Neumann, pray for us!