A Prayer for the Navy
Eternal Lord God, Who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea: vouchsafe to take into thy almighty and most gracious protection our country's Navy, and all who serve therein. Preserve them from the dangers of the sea, and from the violence of the enemy, that they may be a safeguard unto the United States of America, and a security unto such as pass upon the sea on their lawful occasions: that the inhabitants of our land may in peace and quietness serve Thee our God, to the glory of thy Name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for the Army
Lord God of Hosts, whose power is from everlasting to everlasting, and
whose Name is above every name in heaven and earth: keep, we pray Thee,
under thy protecting care the Army of our country and all who serve
therein. Defend them amid violence on land or sea or in the heavens, and
grant that they may be a sure defense and a safeguard for the people of
the United States and a security for such as come and go in peaceful
and lawful pursuit. In time of peace keep them from evil, and in the day
of conflict suffer not their courage to fail: that they may guard the
American heritage against those who would destroy or straiten the
liberties of government by the people, and to the end that the blessings
of religion and law may be preserved to posterity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [from The Hymnal: Army and Navy, 1942]
"Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle..." (Psalm 140)
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