Please fast and pray every Thursday for the renewal of the Catholic Church in America. Please note: The Cybersociety will fast on Fridays beginning January 2013, in accordance with ancient custom.

This is not a photoblog; this is not a Catholic trivia blog. The story of our origins.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Psalm 20

Give victory to the king, O Lord;
 answer us when we call. (Psalm 20:9)

"Psalm 20 teaches us to pray for the earthly men and women that God gives to us as kings and queens and rulers all the while trusting ultimately in God and in His will, over and above the abilities, talents or charisma of politicians or princes. By praying such prayers we, in turn, learn to pray for the return of our true King, the One Who saves, and does not fail, Who comes to us alive out of the jaws of death and will give us eternal life: The only One who saves us all."
-- Sermon of Rev. Ted A. Griese, May, 2013.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Psalm 19

The heavens proclaim the glory of God,
and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1)

"Creation had been given to man as a clean window through which the light of God could shine into men's souls. Sun and moon, night and day, rain, the sea, the crops, the flowering tree, all these things were transparent. They spoke to man not of themselves only but of Him who made them....Although we tend to look on the Old Testament as a chronicle of fear in which men were far from God, we forget how many of the patriarchs and prophets seem to have walked with God with intimate simplicity. As age succeeded age the memory of this revelation of God seems to have withered away, but its leaf is still green in the Psalter."

--Thomas Merton, Bread in the Wilderness

Friday, November 2, 2018

All Souls' Day

But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment shall touch them.
In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died,
and their departure was thought to be an affliction,
and their going forth from us to be their destruction;
but they are at peace. (Wisdom 3:1-3)