Please fast and pray every Thursday for the renewal of the Catholic Church in America. Please note: The Cybersociety will fast on Fridays beginning January 2013, in accordance with ancient custom.

This is not a photoblog; this is not a Catholic trivia blog. The story of our origins.

Friday, January 31, 2014

For the arrows of the Almighty are within me…The terrors of God do set themselves in array against me. (Job 6:4)

Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.
I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause,
Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number...
To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exalted to safety. (Job 5:7-9, 11)

Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. (Job 5:17)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Two Francises

"Be praised, My Lord, through Sister Water; she is very useful, and humble, and precious, and pure."  (St. Francis of Assisi, Canticle of the Sun, tr. by Bill Barrett)

"Try to make yourself more agreeable and humble every day...and work gently toward salvation." (St. Francis de Sales, whose feast day is today.) "Salvation"-- yours and theirs. Win-win.

Friday, January 17, 2014

                      "He left Nazareth and went down to the sea." (Matthew 4:13)

Friday, January 10, 2014

"The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel...Thou wilt show me the path of life." (Psalm 16)

Friday, January 3, 2014


Behold, in me long-vanished generations still kneel, and out of my soul many pagans shine toward the infinite;
 I lay hidden in the temples of their gods, I was darkly present in the sayings of their wise men;
I was on the towers with their star-gazers... 
 --Gertrude Von Le Fort, Hymns to the Church